Zhu Yeong

At age 31, Zhu Yeong is Chu-lin Yeong’s much younger brother. Though they grew up together, when Zhu left for out-of-state college, their relationship faltered. He seldom visited even before his graduation. After that, to Chu, he disappeared. In actuality, soon after he got his diploma, he began to associate with the wrong kind of friends, got involved with drugs, and went to prison. He had used the knowledge and college-taught skills, paid for by his parents who struggled for every penny, in white-collar crime. In disgust, Chu hardly communicated with him until he was released on parole. He promptly swore to go straight and give up drugs . . . except for marijuana.

Zhu spent a lot of time in the prison yard doing weight-lifting and learning the martial arts from an inmate that formerly was a black-belt instructor. His build changed from a skinny kid to a broad-shouldered hulk. As a free man again, with no job, and ashamed of his mistakes, Zhu took to living alone in a shack situated away from all roads, and all old friends, in the wilderness of Wisconsin. That’s where Chu and Bret eventually found him, and recruited him to be Bret’s bodyguard during an espionage adventure that eventually took him to the gambling capitals of the world, and soon after, Africa.

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